
Rabu, 24 April 2013

Matlab from Terminal on OSX

Sometime you work on your terminal and want to execute matlab directly from your terminal. I found this way to do that.

first add your Matlab full path in your .bash_profile :

export PATH=/Applications/MATLAB_R2011b.app/bin:$PATH

change MATLAB_R2011b.app with watever yours.

save your edited .bash_profile

open new terminal, and now you can execute matlab script from your terminal directly. example :

matlab -nodesktop 

command line above will brings your matlab command window to your terminal.

so, you can start to type your matlab command or run matlab script.

or you can run -r to execute .m matlab script. example :

matlab -nodesktop -r inv_forward2.m

will executes inv_forward2.m file in my current directory.

to stop and get back your terminal simply type "quit"

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